Malinowski til Stalin - Læseliste  


Faghistorie; Sovjetisk etnografi

Dragadze, Tamara (1978): "A Meeting of Minds. A Soviet and Western Dialogue", Current Anthropology, Vol. 19, No. 1, p.119-128.
Halpern, Joel Martin and David A. Kiedeckel (1983): "Anthropology of Eastern Europe", Annual Review of Anthropology, Vol. 12, p.377-395.
Nielsen, Finn Sivert (1981): "Moderne sovjetisk etnografi, belyst ved to monografier", Antropolognytt, Nr.4. (14 s.)
Banks, Marcus (1996): "Soviet Ethnos Theory", in: Ethnicity. Anthropological Constructions, p.17-24, London: Routledge.
Gorer, Geoffrey and John Rickman (1949 [1962]): The People of Great Russia. A Psychological Study, New York: Norton. Chapter 3. (utdrag)
Bathurst, Robert (n.d.): Soviet Chess/American Checkers. Gaming the Dialectics, Manuscript. (33 s.)
Mars, Gerald and Yochanan Altman (1983): "The Cultural Bases of Soviet Georgia's Second Economy", Soviet Studies, Vol. 35, No. 4, p.546-560.

Postkommunismens antropologi, generelle perspektiver

Tishkov, Valery A. (1992): "The Crisis in Soviet Ethnography [with comments from a number of Soviet and Western anthropologists]", Current Anthropology, Vol. 33, No. 4, p.371-393.
Haukanes, Haldis (1997): "Postkommunismens antropologi. Finst den?", Norsk antropologisk tidsskrift, Nr. 3/4, p.267-271.
Verdery, Katherine (1991): "Theorizing Socialism: An Prologue to the 'Transition'", American Ethnologist, Vol. 18, No. 3, p.419-436.
Hann, Chris M. (1994): "After Communism. Reflections on East European Anthropology and the 'Transition'", Social Anthropology, Vol. 2, Part 3, October, p.229-247.
Nielsen, Finn Sivert (1994): "Soviet Culture, Russian Kul'tura", in: Paper Presented at the Research Seminar: Continuity and Change in Post-Soviet Societies, October 1994. (10 s.)

Det russiske nord - eksempel på en region

Anderson, David G. (1995): "Hunters, Herders, and Heavy Metals in Arctic Siberia", Cambridge Anthropology, Vol. 18, No. 2, p.35-45.
de Figueiredo, Kenneth (1997): "Shaman vs. Shaman. Tradition and Change in Tuvan Shamanism", Hovedfagsstudentenes årbok, Oslo, p.32-40.
Grant, Bruce (1995): In the Soviet House of Culture. A Century of Perestroikas, Princeton: Princeton University Press. Chapter 1.
Piki, A. I. and B. B. Prokhorova (eds.) (1994): "Neotraditionalism in the Russian North. To Enter the Future without Forgetting the Past", in: Neotradicionalizm na rossijskom severe. Etnicheskoe vozrozhdenie malochislennykh narodov Severa i gosudarstvennaja regional'naja politika, p.177-190, Moskva.

Noen økonomiske problemstillinger

Pine, Francis (1994): "Privatization in Post-Socialist Poland: Peasant Women, Work, and the Restructuring of the Public Sphere", Cambridge Anthropology, Vol. 17, No. 3, p.19-40.
Bruno, Marta (1997): "Women and The Culture of Entrepreneurship", in May Buckley (ed.): Post/Soviet Women. From the Baltic to Central Asia, p.56-73, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Hivon, Myriam (1994): "Vodka: The 'Spirit' of Exchange", Cambridge Anthropology, Vol. 17, No. 3, p.1-18.
Stewart, Michael (1992): "Gypsies at the Horse-Fair. A Non-Market Model of Trade", in Roy Dilley (ed.): Contesting Markets. Analyses of Ideology, Discourse and Practice, p.97-111, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Hann, Chris (1995): "Ferenc Erdei and Antal Vermes. The Struggle for Balance in Rural Hungary", in David A. Kideckel (ed.): East European Communities. The Struggle for Balance in Turbulent Times, p.101-113, Boulder: Westview Press.
Sampson, Steven (1995): "All is Possible, Nothing is Certain. The Horizons of Transition in a Romanian Village", in David A. Kideckel (ed.): East European Communities. The Struggle for Balance in Turbulent Times, p.159-175, Boulder: Westview Press.

Identitet, tradisjon, historie

- Kaukasus
Demirdirek, Hülya (1996): The Painful Past Retold. Social Memory in Azerbaijan and Gagauzia, Oslo: Photocopy. (10 s.)
Dragadze, Tamara (1997): "The Women's Peace Train in Georgia", in Mary Buckley (ed.): Post-Soviet Women. From the Baltic to Central Asia, p.250-260, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

- Balkan
Bringa, Tone (1995): Being Muslim the Bosnian Way. Identity and Community in a Central Bosnian Village, Princeton: Princeton University Press. Chapter 6. (35 s.)
Caplan, Pat (1993): "'We are All Neighbors' [Review of Tone Bringa's film]", Anthropology Today, Vol. 9, No. 6, p.20-22.

- Berlin
Borneman, John (1992): Belonging in the Two Berlins. Kin, state, Nation, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Chapter 6. (utdrag)

- Polen
Buchowski, Michal (1994): "From Anti-Communists to Post-Communist Ethos. The Case of Poland", Social Anthropology, Vol. 2, Part 2, July, p.133-147.
Liltved, Per (1991): "Graven og det ideelle fellesskap. Allehelgensdag i Polen", Hovedfagsstudentenes Årbok 1991, 3. Årgang, Institutt og museum for antropologi, Universitetet i Oslo.
Kugelmass, Jack (1995): "Bloody Memories: encountering the Past in Contemporary Poland", Cultural Anthropology, Vol. 10, No. 3, p.279-300.

- Russland
Boym, Svetlana (1994): Common Places. Mythologies and Everyday Life in Russia, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. Chapter 1. (utdrag)
Pahl, Ray and Paul Thomspson (eds.) (1994): "Meanings, Myths and Mystifications. The Social Construction of Life Stories in Russia", in Chris M. Hann (ed.): When History Accelerates. Essays on Rapid Social Change, Complexity and Creativity, p.130-158, London: Athlone.

- Ungarn
Gal, Susan (1991): "Bartók's funeral: Representations of Europe in Hungarian Political Rhetoric", Anmerican Anthropologist, Vol. 18, No. 3, p.440-456.
Nolte, Hans/Heinrich (1995): "The Alleged Influence of Cultural Boundaries on Political Thinking", in André Gerrits and Nanci Adler (ed.): Vampires Unstaked. National Images, Stereotypes and Myths in East Central Europe, p.41-50, North-Holland, Amsterdam: Koninklijke Nederlands Adademie van Wetenschappen, Verhandelingen, Afd. Letterkunde, Nieuwe Reeks, deel 163.

- Baltikum
Rande, Kristin (1996): Overgang eller undergang - Nasjon og person i endring; Litauen etter Sovjetunionens fall, Oslo: Hovedfagsavhandling, Institutt og museum for antropologi, Universitetet i Oslo. Chapter 5. (30 s.)
Skultans, Vieda (1997): "Theorizing Latvian Lives: The Quest for Identity", Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (N.S.), Vol. 3, No.4, p.761-779.

Noen forslag til valgfri litteratur:

Grant, Bruce (1995): In the Soviet House of Culture. A Century of Perestroikas, Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Nielsen, Finn Sivert (1987): The Eye of the Whirlwind. Russian Identity and Soviet Nation-building: Quests for Meaning in a Soviet Metropolis, Oslo: Magistergradsavhandling, Institutt for sosialantropologi, Universitetet i Oslo.

Dunn, Stephen P. and Ethel Dunn (1974): Introduction to Soviet Ethnography. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Plotkin, Vladimir (1985) and Jovan E. Howe: "The Unknown Tradition: Continuity and Innovation in Soviet Ethnography", Dialectical Anthropology, Vol. 9, No. 1-4, Part I, p. 257-312.

Borneman, John (1992): Belonging in the Two Berlins. Kin, state, Nation, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Bringa, Tone (1995): Being Muslim the Bosnian Way. Identity and Community in a Central Bosnian Village, Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Kligman, Gail (1988): The Wedding of the Dead. Ritual, Poetics, and Popular Culture in Transylvania, Berkeley: University of California Press.

Boym, Svetlana (1994): Common Places. Mythologies and Everyday Life in Russia, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.

Almen litteratur om regionale antropologiske tradisjoner:

Fardon, Richard (ed.) (1990): Localizing Strategies. Regional Traditions of Ethnographic Writing, Edinburgh, Washington DC: Scottish Academic Press and Smithsonian Institution Press.

Appadurai, Arjun (1986): "Theory in Anthropology. Center or Periphery?", Comparative Studies in Society and History, Vol. 28, No. 2, p. 356-361.

Appadurai, Arjun (1988): "Putting Hierarchy in its Place", Cultural Anthropology, Vol. 3, No. 1, p. 36-49.



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