Institute of Anthropology homepage - Danish Øst- og Centraleuropa-links
East / Central Europe Group, Copenhagen
Institute of Anthropology homepage - English

Go to: Links by nation

General links

Online texts

Online texts on East / Central Europe
at - a wide range of unpublished texts from all over the regions (theses, conference papers, student papers, articles etc.)

Organizations and sites

A website dedicated to Scandinavian studies and cultural activities in Russia. We strive to be an online meeting-place for all who are interested in Scandinavian life. On our webpages you will find sectors for literature, humanities, cinema, theatre and other. We also try to publish updated news on what's happening in Russia within the Scandinavian "community". The site language is Russian.

General resources and link collections

Resources: maps and timelines for the region 
Compiled by Finn Sivert Nielsen

Soyuz: The Research Network for Post-Communist Cultural Studies
Since September of 1993, Soyuz has been bringing together anthropologists and other social scientists working in post-communist cultural studies. Amidst a disparate but rapidly growing community of scholars, our goal has been to bring together potential colleagues at AAA and AAASS meetings, distribute a quick reference guide to works-in-progress, and produce an annual bulletin. In turn, we have been helping to organize a conference in post-communist cultural studies each spring. See also: 

Thorough annotated link collection. Calendar of events.

UNDP - Regional Bureau for Europe and the CIS

V2_/ The Syndicate
The Syndicate was formed on 21 January 1996 during the Next 5 Minutes conference in Rotterdam. A loose affiliation of artists, curators, networkers, writers and festival organisers, most of them from Eastern Europe, who are working in the field of electronic- and media-art. Because the emerging arts in these countries shared similar situations, it seemed a good idea to communicate more regularly, to stimulate collaboration, to facilitate co-operation between East and West, and to form a strategic alliance that is able to speak with one voice when necessary. The East-West axis has become less relevant for defining the character of the Syndicate. Any underworld organisation needs to define its territory though. The Syndicate calls it: Deep Europe. [...] The heart of the Syndicate is its mailinglist, hosted by the Ars Electronica Center in Linz, and coordinated by V2_Organisation in Rotterdam, which cleared a corner for what it called it's V2_East initiative.

PROEastE - Database Social Science Research Projects in Eastern Europe
PROEastE is an English language database offering information on theoretical and empirical research from Eastern Central and Eastern Europe. A continuous internet survey is the main source of information gathering for PROEastE.

Facts and dictionaries and links (LingNet)
for most countries and languages inside and outside East Europe
Excellent and selective link collections!!

Basic demographic facts for all countries in the world
Including life expectancy for males vs. females, infant mortality, population growth rates etc.

Journals and archives

Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty 
Large archives of press clips and other information, going back to Soviet times. Part of it politically motivated, but a lot is also pure information.

Anthropology of East Europe Review 
Online anthropological journal covering the region. The online edition has not been updated in recent years, still many interesting texts may be found here.


The Alternative Dictionary Collection
Collections of slang words for most languages in the region (and elsewhere).

King Bulan's Turkic Bookstore - Linguistics and Language-learning
A list of dictionaries to many Turkic languages (including kazakh, azerbaijani etc.), with links to, where they may be ordered.

Directory of Language (and other) resources (e.g. dictionaries) on the Internet
Contains links to dictionaries etc. for most East European languages

Discussion groups

CASWW - AnthEurasia Discussion List on Anthropology of the Former Soviet Bloc

H-SAE - Anthropology of Europe -- send message "subscribe h-sae your-first-name your-last-name" to

AnthEurasia-L - Anthropology of the Former Soviet Bloc -- send message "subscribe AnthEurasia-L your-first-name your-last-name" to

Links by nation
The below is a small collection of links giving elementary information and further links pertaining to each of the countries in the region. It is meant as a starting point for further net-based research. The exception is Russia, which is somewhat more comprehensive, but the Russian link collection is also rather arbitrary and could do with a lot of improvements.
When you find newer and better links that fit in here, please report them to: finn.sivert.nielsen 


CIA Factbook: Albania

Albania - Land of the Eagles (UK)

Albania - A country study (Library of Congress)
A comprehensive text about the country, its history, economy, political structures, ethnic groups etc. Includes a large bibliography and a glossary of terms in Albanian.

English-Albanian / Albanian-English online dictionary


CIA Factbook: Armenia

Armenia resource page: News, facts, links

Armenia - A country study (Library of Congress)
(See the similar link under Albania.)

Armenian-English-Russian online dictionary


CIA Factbook: Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan International
"World's Largest Web Site about Azerbaijan"

Azerbaijan - A country study (Library of Congress)
(See the similar link under Albania.)

English-Azeri (one-way) online dictionary


CIA Factbook: Belarus

Virtual Guide to Belarus

Belarus - Country study (Library of Congress)
(See similar link under Albania.)

Belarussian-English and (short) English-Belarussian dictionaries


CIA Factbook: Bosnia

Bosnia Homepage at CalTech
Includes a large link collection

Yugoslavia - Country study (Library of Congress)
(See semilar link under Albania.)

Information servers - Bosnia and Herzegovina


CIA Factbook: Bulgaria

Bulgarian Room in the Balkan Info Home

Bulgaria - Country Study (Libary of Congress)
(See similar link under Albania.)

All about Bulgaria
Includes a large link collection

Bulgarian-English and English-Bulgarian dictionary


CIA Factbook: Croatia

Croatia Net
Includes a link collection

Croatian country study (E.L. Easton)

Serbo-Croatian to/from English online dictionary

Czech Republic

CIA Factbook: Czech Republic

Czech Center New York
Includes a large link collection

Czech Republic country study (Librayr of Congress)

Czech-English and English-Czech online dictionary


CIA Factbook: Estonia

Lenker og nyttige adresser
Norsk-estisk forening

Estonia country study (Library of Congress)

English-Estonian Estonian-English online dictionary


CIA Factbook: Georgia

Georgia Net

Georgia country study (Library of Congress)

English-Georgian online dictionary


CIA Factbook: Hungary

Hungarian Home Page
Includes a large link collection

Hungary country study (Library of Congress)

English-Hungarian Hungarian-English online dictionary


CIA Factbook: Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan Resource Page

Kazakhstan country study (Library of Congress)

Kazakh-Russian Russian-Kazakh dictionaries


CIA Factbook: Kyrgyzstan

The Kyrgyzstan Free Net


CIA Factbook: Latvia

Yahoo! Latvia directory


CIA Factbook: Lithaunia

Lithuanian Home Page

Artium Unitio
A Lithuanian online anthropology journal with some articles in English


CIA Factbook: Macedonia

Republic of Macedonia: The First Macedonian WWW Page


CIA Factbook: Moldova

OurNet Moldova


CIA Factbook: Poland - Internet directory

Poland Net - Internet directory and resources


CIA Factbook: Romania - Internet portal


(St. Petersburg)
(Russian literature)

CIA Factbook: Russia

Russia related links
Media, Music, Literature, Humor -- Many good links

Sher's Russian Index

Victor Bolotnikov's home page
Various links, pictures, anecdotes etc.
largest collection of anektody on the net!

Russia and the Former Soviet Republics Maps - The Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection

All regions of Russia in Pictures

Vestnik: Russian-American Russian Language biweekly magazine [KOI-8]

Russian Christian Home Page - English Version

Durham University: Russian History Home Page

Stalin-Era Research and Archives Project
The Stalin-Era Research and Archives Project (SERAP) is a collaborative, multidisciplinary undertaking based at the Centre for Russian and East European Studies at the University of Toronto. With support from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, the Project seeks to stimulate the reinterpretation of politics and society in the USSR under Stalin through the use of newly declassified archival materials.

Indigenous peoples of Russia

INFONOR - Oprindelige folk i Rusland
Græsrodsorganisationen INFONOR arbejder for at informere det skandinaviske publikum om forholdene i det nordlige og fjernøstlige Rusland og formidler samtidig dansk bistandshjælp til selvhjælpsprojekter i samme områder. I INFONOR har vi akut brug for engagerede mennesker, som vil arbejde med oversættelse, redigering af nyhedsbrev, deltagelse i og opfølgning på projekter og meget mere. Du får mulighed for direkte kontakt til Ruslands oprindelige befolkning via telefon, mail og enkelte rejser. Du får kontakt til et stort netværk. Du bliver en del af et engageret team. Vi er en lille NGO som arbejder med urfolk i Rusland. Vi udgiver et tidsskrift 1 gang i kvartalet, har projekter og vil opbygge et dokumentationscenter. Vi har været med til at danne CHUM-listen som er et netværk for forskere og aktivister som beskæftiger sig med urfolk i Rusland. Hvis du vil vide mere om CHUM-listen eller være med på den så se på vores hjemmeside.

The Red Book of the Peoples of the Russian Empire


CIA Factbook: Slovakia - Web portal


CIA Factbook: Slovenia

Slovenia Links Page


CIA Factbook: Tadjikistan

Tadjikistan subject index (Columbia)


CIA Factbook: Turkmenistan

Turkmenistan Reource page


CIA Factbook: Ukraine

Oleh Baran's Ukrainian Site at McGill University


CIA Factbook: Uzbekistan

Cyber Uzbekistan


CIA Factbook: Yugoslavia

Internet Resources on Yugoslavia



Other, and specialized links

St. Petersburg

Lonely Planet: City Guide 
Fresh information and entertainment for visit
St. Petersburg at Your Fingertips: Travel Guide, w/history etc.
St. Petersburg, Russia
Putevoditel' po Skt.Peterburgu
Pictures from St.Petersburg
Witnesses of an age: the residents of Leningrad
The Other St Petersburg (texts)
Leningrad Atomkraftverk (Bellona)

News and Periodicals - St. Petersburg
The St. Petersburg Times
Neva News December 1996

Russian literature

Boyan Collections: Modern folklore

Arkadij and Boris Strugatskie
Includes a complete collection of all of their works.

FTP Russian Literature (Moldova)

Lexicon Bridge Pub. (Russ multimedia&books)

Russian Literature (KOI-8)