"Steps to an Anthropology of Post-Communism"

Power, economy and identity in East / Central Europe

Finn Sivert Nielsen


To all students who have followed this course:

Please fill in this form, either via e-mail to the below address (write the number of each question, then your answer), or by printing this page, filling it in by hand and putting the completed form in my letterbox.

Finn Sivert Nielsen

Question 1 - Teaching:

How do you evaluate the following components of the course? Should there be more or less of any of them? What worked out well, what not so well?

1.a The lectures

1.b The student presentations

1.c The whole-day seminars

Question 2 - Reading list:

2.a Was the literature (in general) of interest?

2.b Was there any literature (or were there any perspectives) that you missed?

2.c Was there too little or too much of anything?

2.d How did the monographs function?

2.e What is your favorite text from the course?

2.f What was worst / least interesting / least informative text on the reading list?

2.g There is a possibility that courses of this kind (i.e. courses that are repeated fairly regularly) may in the future have most of their reading material published in a regular book. If such a book becomes available, most of the curriculum for a course like this one will be in the book, but some articles may only be available as copies or in a small compendium, and there may be some articles in the book that would not be required reading for the course.
The question is: If such a book had been available for this course, at a price not exceeding 250 kroner, would you buy it? Or would you copy articles from each other, and long for the days when we still had cheap compendiums?

Question 3 - Course homepage:

3.a Is it a good idea to have a course homepage? Why? / Why not?

3.b How often have you visited the course homepage? (Give an approximation, per week.)

3.c Can you find what you are looking for on the homepage?

3.d What did you find most useful on the homepage?

3.e What did you find least useful about the homepage?

3.f Have you made use of the links and resources on the homepage? What have you used them for?

3.g Have you read (or do you plan to read) any of the literature on the "Suggestions for further reading" list?

3.h Should the homepage have other or different resources, sections, etc.?

Question 4 - Further plans:

4.a Have you considered doing fieldwork in East / Central Europe? If so, where?

4.b Would you like to be put on the mailing list of the Østgruppe (East / Central Europe Group) at the institute? If so, write your full name and email address below.

Question 5 - Other comments:

If you have any other comments, ideas, suggestions, reactions, criticisms etc. etc., please take the time to write them here.