"Steps to an Anthropology of Post-Communism"

Power, economy and identity in East / Central Europe

Finn Sivert Nielsen

Suggestions for further reading

Literature about post-Communism and/or East/Central Europe is marked in red.
General anthropological literature is marked in black.

Anderson, Perry (1974 [1978]): Passages from Antiquity to Feudalism, London: Verso.

Anderson, Perry (1974 [1979]): Lineages of the Absolutist State, London: Verso.

Appadurai, Arjun (1986 [1995]): The Social Life of Things. Commodities in Cultural Perspective, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Appadurai, Arjun (1988): "Putting Hierarchy in its Place", Cultural Anthropology, Vol. 3, No. 1, p.36-49.

Bathurst, Robert B. (1993): Intelligence and the Mirror. On Creating an Enemy, London: Sage.

Bloch, Maurice and J. Parry (eds.) (1989): Money and the Morality of Exchange, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Boym, Svetlana (1994): Common Places. Mythologies and Everyday Life in Russia, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.

Bringa, Tone (1995): Being Muslim the Bosnian Way. Identity and Community in a Central Bosnian Village, Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Bulgakov, Michail / Mikhail (2000 [1995]): Mesteren og Margarita, oversatt av Erik Egeberg. Oslo : Document forlag.

Djilas, Milovan (1957 [19__]): The New Class. An Analysis of the Communist System, New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc.

Fardon, Richard (ed.) (1990): Localizing Strategies. Regional Traditions of Ethnographic Writing, Edinburgh, Washington DC: Scottish Academic Press and Smithsonian Institution Press.

Geertz, Clifford (1963): Peddlers and Princes. Social Change and Economic Modernization in Two Indonesian Towns, Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Gell, Alfred (n.d.): Strathernograms: or, the Semiotics of Mixed Metaphors, Manuscript. [The article has not been published - if you need a copy, contact me, and I'll make you one!]

Gerschenkrón, Aleksánder (1970): Europe in the Russian Mirror. Four Lectures in Economic History, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Gorer, Geoffrey and John Rickman (1949 [1962]): The People of Great Russia. A Psychological Study, New York: Norton.

Grant, Bruce (1995): In the Soviet House of Culture. A Century of Perestroikas, Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Greenfield, L. (1990): "The Formation of the Russian National Identity. The Role of Status Insecurity and 'Ressentiment'", Comparative Studies of Societies and History, Vol. 32, No. 3, p.549-591.

Harris, Marvin (1981): America Now. The Anthropology of a Changing Culture, New York: Simon & Schuster.

Hedlund, Stefan and Harald Ståhlberg (1984): "Soviet Agricultural Policy and the Myth of the Private Plot", Nordic Journal of Soviet and East European Studies, Vol.1, No. 4.

Humphrey, Caroline (1991): "'Icebergs', Barter, and the Mafia in Provincial Russia", Anthropology Today, Vol. 7, No. 2, p.8-13.

Humphrey, Caroline (1995): "Creating a Culture of Disillusionment. Consumption in Moscow, a Chronicle of Changing Times", in Daniel Miller (ed.): Worlds Apart. Modernity Through the Prism of the Local, p.43-68, New York: Routledge.

Humphrey, Caroline (1997): "The Villas of the 'New Russians'. A Sketch of Consumption and Cultural Identity in Post-Soviet Landscapes", Focaal: Tijdschrift voor Antropologie, Vol. 30/31, p.85-106.

Humphrey, Caroline (1998): Marx Went Away - But Karl Stayed Behind, Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. Revised edition of Karl Marx Collective. Economy, Society and Religion in a Siberian Collective Farm.

Kapferer, Bruce (1988): Legends of People, Myths of State. Violence, Intolerance, and Political Culture in Sri Lanka and Australia, Washington and London: Smithsonian Institution Press.

Kerblay, Basile (1977 [1983]): Modern Soviet Society, New York: Pantheon.

Latour, Bruno (1991): We Have Never Been Modern, New York: Harvester Wheatsheaf.

Mead, Margaret and Rhoda Métraux (1953): The Study of Culture at a Distance, Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Nielsen, Finn Sivert (1984): "En stemme fra tausheten. Vladímir Vysótskij og Russland", Forum Øst, Nr.3. - Read it on AnthroBase.com (in Norwegian):

Nielsen, Finn Sivert (1994): "Soviet Culture, Russian Kul'tura", Paper Presented at the Research Seminar: Continuity and Change in Post-Soviet Societies, October 1994. - Read it on AnthroBase.com: http://www.anthrobase.com/Txt/N/Nielsen_F_S_02.htm

Nove, Alec (1977 [1984]): The Soviet Economic System, London: Allen and Unwin.

Parker, Tony (1991): Russian Voices, Cape.

Plotkin, Vladimir and Jovan E. Howe (1985): "The Unknown Tradition: Continuity and Innovation in Soviet Ethnography", Dialectical Anthropology, Vol. 9, No. 1-4, Part I, p.257-312.

Rande, Kristin (1996): Overgang eller undergang - Nasjon og person i endring; Litauen etter Sovjetunionens fall, Oslo: Hovedfagsavhandling, Institutt og museum for antropologi, Universitetet i Oslo. [To be published on www.anthrobase.com some time in the course of the fall semester 2001. If you need access to the text before its publication, I have some copies of the thesis that you may borrow.]

Ries, Nancy (1997): Russian Talk. Culture and Conversation During Perestroika, Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press.

Rosaldo, Michelle Zimbaliste and L. Lamphere (eds.) (1974): Woman, Culture and Society, Stanford: Stanford University Press.

Sahlins, Marshall D. (1965): "On the Sociology of Primitive Exchange", in M. Banton (ed.): The Relevance of Models in Social Anthropology, p.139-186, London: Tavistock, ASA Monograph, No.1.

Sampson, Steven L. (1982): The Planners and the Peasants. An Anthropological Study of Urban Development in Romania, Esbjerg: Sydjysk Universitetsforlag, Monographs of East-West Studies Vol. 4.

Sampson, Steven (1985-86): "The Informal Sector in Eastern Europe", Telos, Vol. 66, p.44-66.

Sampson, Steven (1995): "All is Possible, Nothing is Certain. The Horizons of Transition in a Romanian Village", in David A. Kideckel (ed.): East European Communities. The Struggle for Balance in Turbulent Times, p.159-175, Boulder: Westview Press.

Sampson, Steven (1998): "Exporting Democracy, Preventing Mafia. The Rebirth of 'Eastern Europe' in the Era of Post-Post-Communism (with Comment by Kristian Gerner)", in Klas-Göran Karlsson, Bo Peterson, Barbara Törnquist-Plewa (ed.): Collective Identities in an Era of Transformations. Analysing Developments in East and Central Europe and the former Soviet Union, p.151-191, Lund: Lund University Press.

Simmel, Georg (1907 [1995]): The Philosophy of Money, London: Routledge.

Strathern, Marilyn (1988): The Gender of the Gift. Problems with Women and Problems with Society in Melanesia, Berkeley: University of California Press. [See also the article by Gell on this list.]

Verdery, Katherine (1983): Transylvanian Villagers. Three Centuries of Political, Economic, and Ethnic Change, Berkeley: University of California Press.

Verdery, Katherine (1991): "Theorizing Socialism: A Prologue to the 'Transition'", American Anthropologist, Vol. 18, No. 3, p.419-436.

Verdery, Katherine (1991): National Ideology under Socialism. Identity and Cultural Politics in Ceausescu's Romania, Berkeley: University of California Press.

Verdery, Katherine (1993): "Ethnic Relations, Economies of Shortage, and the Transition in Eastern Europe", in Chris Hann (ed.): Socialism. Ideals, Ideologies, and Local Practice, p.172-185, London: Routledge, ASA Monographs No. 31.

Verdery, Katherine (1996): What was Socialism, and What Comes Next, Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press.

Burawoy, Michael and Katherine Verdery (eds.) (1999): Uncertain Transition. Ethnographies of Change in the Postsocialist World, Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield.

Voznesenskaja, Julija (1985 [1987]): Kvinnenes Dekamerone [Damskij Dekameron], Oslo: Dreyer.

Wedel, Janine R. (1986): The Private Poland, New York: Facts on File.

Wedel, Janine R. (ed.) (1992): The Unplanned Society. Poland During and After Communism, New York: Columbia University Press.

Wedel, Janine R. (1997): "Cliques and Clans and Aid to Russia. How the U.S. Buoyed the 'St. Petersburg Clan'", Transitions, Vol. 4, No. 2, p.66-71.

Wedel, Janine R. (1998): Collision and Collusion. The Strange Case of Western Aid to Eastern Europe, New York: St. Martin's Press.

Wedel, Janine R. (1998): "Informal Relations and Institutional Change. How Eastern European Cliques and States Mutually Respond", The Anthropology of East Europe Review, Vol. 16, No. 1, p.4-13.

Yanov, Aleksandr (1978): The Russian New Right, Berkeley: University of California International Studies.