"Steps to an Anthropology of Post-Communism"

Power, economy and identity in East / Central Europe

Finn Sivert Nielsen

Fall 2001. Two modules. Regional / Thematic course. Course language: English.

Reading List - Alphabetical by Author

Anderson, David G. (1993): "Civil Society in Siberia. The Institutional Legacy of the Soviet State", in Hermine G. De Soto & David G. Anderson (ed.): The Curtain Rises. Rethinking Culture, Ideology, and the State in Eastern Europe, p.76-96, Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities Press.
Banks, Marcus (1996):
"Soviet Ethnos Theory", in: Ethnicity. Anthropological Con-struc-tions , p.17-24, London: Routledge.
Berdahl, Daphne (1999): "’(N)Ostalgie’ for the Present: Memory, Longing, and East German Things, Ethnos, Vol. 64, p.192-211.
Boym, Svetlana (1994): Common Places. Mythologies and Everyday Life in Rus-sia , Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. Chapter 1. (exerpt)
Bruno, Marta (1997): "Women and The Culture of Entrepreneurship", in Mary Buckley (ed.): Post-Soviet Women. From the Baltic to Central Asia, p.56-73, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Creed, Gerald W. and Janine R. Wedel (1997): "Second Thoughts from the Second World. Interpreting Aid in Post-Communist Eastern Europe", Human Organization, Vol. 56, No. 3, p.253-263.
Dragadze, Tamara (1978): "A Meeting of Minds. A Soviet and Western Dialogue", Current Anthropology, Vol. 19, No. 1, p.119-128.
Gal, Susan (1991): "Bartók's funeral: Representations of Europe in Hungarian Political Rhetoric", American Anthropologist, Vol. 18, No. 3, p.440-456.
Halpern, Joel Martin and David A. Kiedeckel (1983): "Anthropology of Eastern Europe", Annual Review of Anthropology, Vol. 12, p.377-395.
Hann, Chris M. (1994): "After Communism. Reflections on East European Anthro-pology and the 'Transition'", Social Anthropology, Vol. 2, Part 3, October, p.229-247.
Hemment, Julie (2000):
"The Price of Partnership: The NGO, the State, the Found-ation, and its Lovers in Post-Communist Russia", Anthropology of East Europe Review, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp.33-36.
Hivon, Myriam (1994): "Vodka: The 'Spirit' of Exchange", Cambridge Anthropology , Vol. 17, No. 3, p.1-18.
Humphrey, Caroline (1991): "'Icebergs', Barter, and the Mafia in Provincial Russia", Anthropology Today, Vol. 7, No. 2, p.8-13.
Humphrey, Caroline (1996-97): "Myth-Making, Narratives, and the Dispossessed in Russia", Cambridge Anthropology, Vol. 19, No. 2, p.70-92.
Kaser, Karl & Joel M. Halpern (1998): "Historical Myth and the Invention of Political Folklore in Contemporary Serbia, Anthropology of East Europe Review, Vol. 16, No. 1. Downloaded from: http://www.depaul.edu/~rrotenbe/aeer16_1.html
Koehler, Jan (1999): "The School of the Street: Organizing Diversity and Training Polytaxis in a (Post-) Soviet Periphery", Anthropology of East Europe Review, Vol. 17, No.2, pp. 39-51.
Kugelmass, Jack (1995):
"Bloody Memories: Encountering the Past in Con-temporary Poland", Cultural Anthropology, Vol. 10, No. 3, p.279-300.
Lass, Andrew (1999):
"Portable Worlds. On the Limits of Replication in the Czech and Slovak Republics", in Michael Burawoy & Katherine Verdery (ed.): Uncertain Transition. Ethnographies of Change in the Postsocialist World, p.273-300, Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.
Lemon, Alaina (1998):
"'Your Eyes are Green like Dollars': Counterfeit Cash, National Substance, and Currency Apartheid in 1990s Russia", Cultural Anthropology, Vol. 13, No. 1, p.22-52.
Mars, Gerald and Yochanan Altman (1983):
"The Cultural Bases of Soviet Georgia's Second Economy", Soviet Studies, Vol. 35, No. 4, p.546-560.
Pahl, Ray & Paul Thompson (eds.) (1994): "Meanings, Myths and Mystifications. The Social Construction of Life Stories in Russia", in Chris M. Hann (ed.): When History Accelerates. Essays on Rapid Social Change, Complexity and Creativity, p.130-158, London: Athlone.
Pine, Francis (1994): "Privatization in Post-Socialist Poland: Peasant Women, Work, and the Restructuring of the Public Sphere", Cambridge Anthropology, Vol. 17, No. 3, p.19-40.
Roudakova, Natalia & Deborah S. Ballard-Reisch (1999): "Femininity and the Double Burden: Dialogues on the Socialization of Russian Daughters into Womanhood", Anthropology of East Europe Review, Vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 21-34.
Sampson, Steven L. (1994):
"Money Without Culture, Culture Without Money. Eastern Europe's Nouveaux Riches", Anthropological Journal on European Cultures, Vol. 3, No. 1, p.7-29.
Schwartz, Jonathan (1997):
"Listening for Macedonian Identity. Reflections from Sveti Naum", in: László K ürti & Juliet Langman: Beyond Borders. Remaking Cultural Identities in the New East and Central Europe , Boulder Col.: Westview Press. (p.95-110)
Schwartz, Jonathan (2000): "Civil Society and Ethnic Conflict in the Republic of Macedonia", in Joel M. Halpern & David A. Kideckel (eds): Neighbors at War. Anthropological Perspectives on Yugoslav Ethnicity, Culture, and History, Univesity Park, Penn.: Pennsylvania State University Press, pp.382-400.
Shlapentokh, Vladimir (1989):
"Civil Society. Semilegal and Illegal Private Activity," in Public and Private Life of the Soviet People. Changing Values in Post-Stalin Russia, p.190-202, New York: Oxford University Press.
Skultans, Vieda (1998):
The Testimony of Lives. Narrative and Memory in Post-Soviet Latvia, London: Routledge.
Slezkine, Yuri (1996):
"N. Ia. Marr and the National Origins of Soviet Ethnogenetics", Slavic Review, No. 4, p.826-862.
Stewart, Michael (1992): "Gypsies at the Horse-Fair. A Non-Market Model of Trade", in Roy Dilley (ed.): Contesting Markets. Analyses of Ideology, Discourse and Practice, p.97-111, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Tereskinas, Arturas (n.d.): "Between Soup and Soap: Iconic Nationality, Mass Media and Pop Culture in Contemporary Lithuania", Artium Unitio No 1. Downloaded from http://www.artium.lt.
Tishkov, Valery A. (1992):
"The Crisis in Soviet Ethnography [with comments from a number of Soviet and Western anthropologists]", Current Anthropology, Vol. 33, No. 4, p.371-393.
Verdery, Katherine (1991): "Theorizing Socialism: A Prologue to the 'Transition'", American Ethnologist, Vol. 18, No. 3, p.419-436.
Verdery, Katherine (1999):
The Political Lives of Dead Bodies. Reburial and Postsocialist Change, New York: Columbia University Press.
Wolfe, Thomas C. (2000):
"Cultures and Communities in the Anthropology of Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union", Annual Review of Anthropology, Vol. 29, pp.195-216.
Yampolsky, Mikhail (1995):
"In the Shadow of Monuments. Notes on Iconoclasm and Time", in Nancy Condee (ed.): Soviet Hieroglyphics. Visual Culture in Late Twentieth-Century Russia, p.93-112, Bloomington: Indiana University Press.